Friday, December 22, 2006

The Party


looks like everyone disappeared since exams ended. hope all's fine and well.

since i booked the room i'll be checking in early to ensure everything is in place and stow away all the things that can be broken or damaged. but... aiyah cannot predict this thing one, the last party this dude broke the toilet.
things we need :
(which im sure by now all seasoned heptagoners know by heart)

-everyone bring one bottle of whatever.
-nyk bring the wine. no need to much, 10 bottles can liao..
-i will bring speakers.
-kenneth bring your laptop / mp3 player
-vins bring paper cups

-who can settle icebox / ice?

other than that we can buy whatever else at bugis junction when we need it. woot woot!
Settle a meeting time. 8pm? or noon? leave comments NOW.


Anonymous said...

dude it's a hotel surely we NEED icebox&ice.

and my laptop no xmas songs and mrobe cant play and charge at the same time..

do you guys want ps2?

meet at 8 not very late meh i thought we meeting in the noon to chill and drink and maybe swim and drink then dinner and drink


Anonymous said...

i'm coming at 11 plus dudes please dun get drunk before i come!!

anywyas i think dun get ice box la, just buy the pack from 7 11 or sth, easier man, plus its cheap.

and i cant bring chivas leh, kai finished it.. haha


Anonymous said...

then we must invite mr. Chang to support the party hor?

put the beer in around 5pm, few hours let it chill in hotel fridge or something. yessssss.

i will bring laptop n speakers.
nef bring ps. too.


Anonymous said...

so chun you settle the musick den i no need bring lappie alr right. pf wtf are you bring games and controllers and multitab leh
