Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How to make your blog popular

with a butt of course.

tomorrow morning begins. the paper of the papers. let us drink to victory and freedom!! soon!

anyways, the rate this blog gets updated theres so much fresh shit to read on im sure people will slowly come n read.

i've compiled a list of ways to make your blog popular! some -GANKED- off the net.

1. rant about our govmt like rocks-on
2. be totally butt-ugly and bitch about everything for the sake of writing an entry even though youre totally clueless but still think it's so cool - like xiaxuay or whoever.
4. write about news before the news even reports it. like how a car in school knocked into a lamp post... knocked into frosty's car..
5. DONT write to complain about your cat/dog/girl/secretgirl/kids
6. bitch about other bloggers
7. invent words
8. post lots of interesting photos. 7 people standing in a row smiling is not interesting. 7 people standing in a row smiling with 2 fingers forming the TWIST sign IS FUCKING ASKING FOR IT AND SHOULD BE BURNT AND CREMATED AND CURSED. WHO THE HELL STILL USES "TWIST" TO TAKE PHOTOS!!! WHAT THE HELL STOP IT ALREADY!
9. start every story from the beginning. take readers through a journey of bent time-space continuum.
10. write posts that includes lots of links to lots of other blogs. look at sexyboy now.
11. keep adding shit to the blog. take out old shit.
12. Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority, like the intricate art of making fart sounds in the shower by using only your palm. and your armpit.
13. make a list of top10 whatevers. or just a list. HEY thats what im doing!!!!
14. Write about Heptagon7. In the past year, headlines with the word Heptagon have made it to the frontpage of popular websites and even newspapers about 100 times! no i kid i kid. But yes if you write about popular shit, it will appear in search engines. like SEX. SEXY TIME EXPLOSION! BEER SEX BEER SEX BEER SEX BEER SEX BEER SEX BEER SEX BEER SEX see now we have about 1,026 more visitors who googled beer or sex and came across this.
15. Start an anti-something movement. Flamewars are awesome.
16. Stalk someone, anyone, even one of us. hurhur.
17. Post embarrassing photos of one another. Preferably dead drunk.

Alcohol, my permanent accessory
Alcohol, a party-time necessity
Alchool, alternative to feeling like yourself
O alcohol, I still drink to your health

I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol

Forget the caffe latte, screw the raspberry iced tea
A malibu and coke for you, a g&t for me
Alcohol, your songs resolve like
My life never will
When someone else is picking up the bill

I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol
O alcohol, would you please forgive me?
For while I cannot love myself
Ill use something else

I thought that alcohol was just for those with
Nothing else to do
I thought that drinking just to get drunk
Was a waste of precious booze
But now I know that theres a time
And theres a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between
Self-control and self-abuse

I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol
Would you please ignore that you
Found me on the floor
Trying on your camisole?
O alcohol, would you please forgive me?
For while I cannot love myself
Ill use something else.

Would you please forgive me


oh well thats all i can come up + find. lets see some fruitful posts soon...

fruitful, get it?

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